Phone: (612)384-2689
Email: sonjakirkbride.sk@gmail.com
5201 North Bryant Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55430
More locations available for services
Hours: Monday-Friday 5am-6pm
Saturday 8am-12pm
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 358
Cedar, MN 55011

Biofeedback is a non-invasive, alternative to medicine method to better one's overall health and life.
What is a Stress Management device? A Biofeedback and Bio-resonance device that provides information for analysis and therapeutic use for stress detection and stress reduction.
How is the Quest 9 or SCIO Stress Management System® holistic? Our lives consist of physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual components! Stress affects each aspect. Even one aspect experiencing stress can affect your whole body system, overall health and life. Our Stress Management Systems identify and correct stressors across all aspects that make up the whole of YOU. In this way Stress Management offers holistic wellness addressing the root cause of the stress and enabling your body to do what it does best...repair and heal itself!
How does the Q9 or SCIO Stress Management System® help you get your balance back? Our Stress Management systems were created to deal with the innermost cause of our body’s improper functioning. These devices operate as a “scanning device” that maps our inner electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic characteristics. It runs tests in our body according to the laws of electricity. From our body’s default responses and reactions to the different stimuli can be observed. Through this technology we train the issue right in the cells, where it corrects the blockages, which inhibit the body’s natural flow of energy. From a physical approach, the device is used for Detection and reduction of stress. This will work through the training of muscle weakness, strengthening and rehabilitation of the muscles after an injury, also pain relief.
What does a session look like
One is connected through electrodes to the equipment EPR or through electromagnetic wave connection (VIRTUAL only), a person’s breathing rate, perspiration, skin temperature, blood pressure, and heartbeat are measured. A full body scan is completed and evaluates over 15000 factors within the human body through electrical reactivity and provides information about possible nutrient imbalances, food and environmental sensitivities, heavy metal toxicity, emotional imbalances, and stress levels. Biofeedback works then to send magnetic frequencies to these identified issues to neutralize and harmonize and bring one to more a homeostasis wellness place. In a homeostasis place more peace, clarity and confidence can occur and influence making healthier life decisions.
*this service can be provided through direct connection or virtually.
Training not treatment
Biofeedback therapy is a process of retraining nervous systems, pain, muscles, and problematic areas. Every session one will learn about themselves more and discuss healthier ways of living.
Stress Reduction
Stresses that impact the body include pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi etc), toxins, traumas, nutrient deficiencies, allergies, hereditary disorders, mental factors and perverse energies. These stresses often result in a lowered immune system, chronic pain, low performance, disease, depression, insomnia and emotional ups and downs. The SCIO/Q9 are extraordinary devices that can help balance and correct the over-stressed body system through stress reduction.
Life itself is about energy flow because everyone runs on electrical energy. We are all energy beings. Since the 1930s, scientists have discovered that all forms of life resonate or vibrate at frequencies. Everything – all our tissues, cells, organs, emotions and thought patterns have their own unique electro-magnetic fields, as do allergens, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Therefore, imbalances that reside in our bodies and minds can be detectable and reduced via the correction of their electro-magnetic fields.
Stress reduction in Nervous system
Brain regulation
Enhance Relaxed state
Improved attention span
revitalized, refreshed
Stress related disorders
Brain injuries
Digestive disorders
High and low blood pressure
Mental health conditions
Chronic Pain
Assistance with Addictions
What conditions does biofeedback address?

Genius Quantum Biofeedback
An interactive biofeedback application through sound therapy combined with Electromagnetic Frequency that identifies disturbances in one’s energy field and brings balance and harmony to the body, mind, and soul. This is done through Advanced voice analysis.
The Genius insight offers insights into the body electric to help the individual understand the underlying causes of stress. The Genius Insight consists of powerful balancing modalities that can’t only analyst the stress indicators in the body yet can also help to get the body back into balance by energetic stimulation to promote balance and harmony within the body.
Program frequency helps with:
Meridians Solfeggio Frequency
Chakra Scan and Balance Risk Analysis
Emotional Sensitivities Spinal Scan
Body Systems Toxicity/Stress
Nutrition Electro-acupuncture Homeopathy
Pain management Brain, body and emotional balance
How long? Sessions can range from 15 to 60 minutes. Sessions can be done for those who need flexibility with a limited schedule or long commutes. I provide remote sessions or in person.
Quanta Capsule App-extended coaching with ability "to take on the go".
Practitioner exports session frequencies from the Genius and the client imports the frequencies for home use in between sessions. This is 7 days full of chosen frequency by the client for harmony and balance.

Sapphire Beauty Rejuvenation
The SAPPHIRE Beauty Rejuvenation Software uses guided imagery and carefully orchestrated compositions sounding the lost solfeggio tones to support meditative states. This leading-edge technology is the first of its kind to work with relaxing the muscles which cause facial lines, wrinkles, and unhealthy patterns of holding while also addressing internal belief systems which create stress and tension. RADIATE BEAUTY FROM WITHIN The SAPPHIRE Beauty System brings you an oasis of Relaxation.
The SAPPHIRE Beauty System brings you an oasis of Relaxation & Rejuvenation. Its highly sophisticated technology interfaces with an advanced software program to facilitate relaxation, stress reduction and enhanced appearance on three levels.
1. Carefully orchestrated musical compositions with the lost Solfeggio Tones deeply support meditation and relaxation.
2. Guided visualizations and audio relaxation exercises help elicit innate thoughts of positive self-esteem, body image, stress relief, weight management and much more.
3. A high-speed digital interface emitting gentle, almost imperceptible vibrations facilitates the enhancement of appearance. This process relieves muscle tension, assuages the mental state and softens facial lines. The result is a more harmonious association of mind and body.
This leading-edge technology is the first of its kind to work with relaxing muscles which cause facial lines, wrinkles and unhealthy patterns of holding. While also addressing internal belief systems which create stress and tension.
Sessions can be individual through harness, and limb straps or through a Face Mask/Veil. This procedure can also be completed through community group sessions. A Face Mask/Veil will be provided for session. If interested in continuing the enhancing Beauty-Anti Aging sessions, Face Masks/Veils are for purchase. Please inquire from Practitioner.
Beauty Rejuvenation options
Energy Restorations
Stress Reduction
Environmental Stressors
Restored youthful and energetic state
Skin & Hair
Body Scan and reshape
Tension relief and facial muscles

It starts with each one of us.
As you bring your physical, mental and emotional systems
into coherent alignment, you begin to experience increased
access to your heart’s intuitive guidance.
Tuning into your heart’s wisdom creates a profound shift within that helps you approach situations with more emotional balance, compassion, clarity and personal confidence.
Is an innovative approach to improving emotional well-being through the work of inner balance lightning. This is a stress management system that helps you synchronize your brain and heart for optimal stress resistance and mental performance through practicality, heart-based tools, and technology.
"The SCIO is to be used as a universal electrophysiological biofeedback system. It is designed for stress detection and stress reduction. The device does not diagnose any issue other than stress. Stress can come from many sources; this system uses many multimedia therapies to reduce stress. This device also measures client’s electrophysiological reactivity which is another way to represent stress. Only a licensed healthcare practitioner can diagnose a client. The system is calibrated to measure the very fine and subtle electrical reactions to a group of biological and medical stressors. The sensitivity is set so fine so as to pick up the earliest sign of distress and issues related to distress. Therefore, the results might be below the client recognition. The readings should be evaluated by trained biofeedback technicians. Always consult with a licensed healthcare practitioner. Always use additional tests or referrals. No claims other than stress detection and stress reduction may be made"