Phone: (612)384-2689
5201 North Bryant Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55430
​ More locations available for services
Hours: Monday-Friday 5am-6pm
Saturday 8am-12pm
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 358
Cedar, MN 55011
"Biofeedback is a mind-body technique that uses various forms of monitoring devices to create conscious control over physical processes that are normally under automatic control of the body, such as heart rate, muscle tension, breathing, perspiration, skin temperature, blood pressure and brain waves" (Harvard Health). By the use of Biofeedback training and learning new skills to control these functions, you may be able to improve your medical condition, relieve chronic pain, reduce stress, or improve your physical or mental performance (sometimes called peak performance training). (Harvard Health)
Using a screen such as a computer monitor, clients get feedback that helps them develop control over their physiology. Just as looking into a mirror allows one to see and change positions, expressions, etc., biofeedback allows clients to see inside their bodies, with a trained practitioner serving as a guide directing them to use the feedback to regulate their physiology in a healthy direction.
How it works
Connected with electrodes to electronic equipment EDR, a person’s breathing rate, perspiration, skin temperature, blood pressure, and heartbeat are measured. The results are displayed on a computer screen.
Specific devices are used to measure each body change, including. In addition, both the rhythm and volume of breathing are measured.
After a session
When you have completed a frequency session, you will be in a more relaxed state, refreshed, revitalized, refocused, re-energized, clear headed, peaceful, serene, confident, blissful, and motivated,
Training not treatment
Biofeedback training is a process of rewriting as opposed to a treatment. Much like being taught how to tie their shoes or ride a bicycle, individuals undergoing biofeedback training must take an active role and practice to develop the skill. Rather than passively receiving a treatment, the patient is an active learner. It’s like learning a new language.